Ghost Pokemon escape from Ghostbusters Firehouse!

While in New York City recently, I heard there was some trouble with the ghost containment unit down at the Ghostbuster HQ. Everything seemed okay to me at first, so I had fun taking some photos.

And then a Gengar spooked me! The containment unit had failed, and the ghost Pokemon had broken out!

These two bystanders seemed oblivious as they approached the Gastly.

Earthwormgem and I fought the ghost Pokemon, fixed the containment unit, and started trapping the ghosts back inside Ghostbusters HQ.

Shedinja seemed harmless, so Earthwormgem posed with it before we recaptured it.

You’re not scaring her, Haunter!

Ghosts like to haunt places that were significant in their lives. One got away from us, but I knew where it would go. It was time to venture to the New York Public Library.

A free-floating, full-torso, vaporous apparition! It fled inside, but I was in pursuit.

She just wants to be with her books, eh? Maybe I can let this one hang out in the library…

And, uh, here’s some more ghost Pokemon that escaped from HQ: