Halloween in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Happy Halloween! I know it’s nearly Thanksgiving, but let’s go on a tour of Luna, my island, from Halloween! This is me in my steampunk costume looking quite scary in front of my house. My house is surrounded by a river on three sides, which I find really cute. I decorated the outside a bit for the holiday.

Nook’s Cranny is looking spooky under the full moon.

From left to right, there’s Stitches, gem, Ribbot, me, and Marina in front of Resident Services. I love gem’s costume!

Stitches said he was scarier than me, so we had a scare-off.

Here’s my little pumpkin patch!

Is it spookier in black and white?

I visited gem on her island, calamansi, too! Check out her pumpkin patch. SpooOooOky! Is that a mad scientist on the ledge? A crazy doctor? gem?!

Die, zombie!

I tried to kill the zombie, but my axe wasn’t strong enough! And yeah, we decided to come take this video after Halloween had ended, haha!

If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!

I wanted to scare Aurora, the cutest penguin, but her house was freezing!

Kody is so cute in his little costume!

Raymond seemed unimpressed by my attempt to scare him. For those of you don’t follow Animal Crossing info online, people kind of went crazy over Raymond. I’m not super sure why he’s so popular. He’s not even a bear or a penguin!

I’ll take a nap in Cherry’s bed while gem asks politely for candy.

Beau was definitely scared!

Come back and get scared, Boomer!

Hippeux, you look silly!

I even scared Snake before he moved out!

When I came to calamansi to trick or treat with gem’s villagers, she immediately tried to scare me!

A bunch of bears hanging out on Halloween at Poncho’s house.

I love you, Sprinkle! Come move to my island!

Merengue is one my favorite villagers of course.

Spookin’ it up wth Antonio, Kid Cat, Murphy, and Jack.

Tough cub Murphy wasn’t scared at all.

Come back, Fauna! I’m trying to scare you!

Klaus was too cool to pay attention to us.

Hanging out with Antonio in front of the museum. Not the spookiest picture, but too cute!

Patty spend Halloween walking on the beach.

Papi seemed scared, but only because he thought we were Jack.

I really like that you can trick villagers out of candy if they think you’re Jack!

Happy Halloween! (…in November. Yeah, I’m terrible at this.)

Bunny Day in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Bunny Day was the first major holiday in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and I’m just glad it’s over. If you didn’t play it, basically everything you do could drop eggs, and those eggs were used as materials to craft items. But there were way, way too many eggs. Nintendo nerfed the drop rates a couple days into the event, which is good, but this is still a bad sign for future events.

That said, it didn’t stop me from collecting everything and creating a Bunny Day room.

Here it is with the lights off. I really like the Bunny Day lamp, which is an egg, and the garlands that can be turned on and off.

You can see a little clip showcasing my Bunny Day room above!

P.S. Zipper is creepy.

Giving my best-friend confection to Stitches in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp

For Valentine’s Day, Nintendo gave each player one best-friend confection to give to their animal of choice in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. When you give it to an animal, that animal gives you a bell-jar bouquet with a note attached. There are three types you can get, but I didn’t think about what reward I wanted. I knew I had to give my best-friend confection to Stitches! He’s the best!

Super Mario Maker: Peter’s 30th Birthday Bash

Super Mario Maker: Peter's 30th Birthday Bash

No celebration is complete without some Super Mario Maker! It was my birthday last month, and while I was spending the day with some of my closest friends, I wanted everybody to come together to make a level with me. Our creation was Peter’s 30th Birthday Bash! If you look closely in the screenshot above, you’ll see “Happy birthday Peter” spelled out in the level.

For those interested in playing it, you can find it using the ID BBD9-0000-01E1-1F90.

Super Mario Maker: Peter's 30th Birthday Bash

Anela kicked off the level with some springs, pits, and a number of enemies. She didn’t pull her punches either. Just when you think she might be nice, she has a trick up her sleeve.

Super Mario Maker: Peter's 30th Birthday Bash

Antonio worked on the next section, and his girlfriend Kaleigh contributed as well. His section contain projectiles, fire beams, thwomps, and more. The POW comes in handy though!

Super Mario Maker: Peter's 30th Birthday Bash

You can usually tell gem’s sections because they’re filled with coins. The areas void of coins in her section spelled out “happy birthday.” You have to take your time here or you could fall to your death.

Super Mario Maker: Peter's 30th Birthday Bash

Edward started his section by spelling my name. He also filled it with lakitus. You really need a star to get through this part (which we added when the level was too hard).

Super Mario Maker: Peter's 30th Birthday Bash

This section was also created by Edward. It seems like he likes enemies.

Super Mario Maker: Peter's 30th Birthday Bash

I ended the level with some Bowser, Jr. enemies and one Bowser.

It was a blast making the level with everybody. I love how you don’t have to be super into video games to enjoy Super Mario Maker. Check it out using the ID BBD9-0000-01E1-1F90.

Thank you to everybody who celebrated my birthday and made Peter’s 30th Birthday Bash with me!