Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed – Ecto Edition and Halloween

The latest DLC for Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed, Ecto Edition, released recently and continued the campaign for the first time since the base game. It was perfect for Halloween, and I enjoyed jumping back into the game.

The video above shows all the cutscenes along with the cutscenes. The gameplay itself starts at 9:03 in the video. The update brings Samhain, the Ghost of Halloween to the game. He was first introduced in the 1986 The Real Ghostbusters cartoon.

I never did talk about this game on here previously despite really enjoying it. It’s a 4v1 shooter pitting the four Ghostbusters against a ghost. The goal for the Ghostbusters is to trap the ghost after destroying their rifts, which allows them to respawn if left intact. The goal of the ghost is to fully haunt the building before getting caught. It’s designed to be a multiplayer game, although you can play with bots just fine.

While the story is minimal, especially compared to 2009’s Ghostbusters: The Video Game, no game has made me feel like a Ghostbuster more than this one. Hunting the ghost with my PKE meter, chasing the ghost, tethering it, sliding a trap out, and wrangling the ghost into the trap – it all feels great!

Here’s some gameplay without any story bits too!